
Neurotransmitter metabolism

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Drop us a note if you are interested in a nutrigenomic consultation, meant to open up this biochemical pandora box, and pay attention to micronutrient details for what food goes into your system!

Electric life

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Electrical charge differences determined by segregation of various ions, such as Na+, Cl-, Ca++ or K+ drive the electrical backbone of life itself

Quinone Interference

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Quinones are a class of organic compounds derived from aromatic compounds, and have less chemical stability than their aromatic parents. Urrrghh, that’s a rather Saharian-dry definition, isn’t it?  Well, as dry as they may appear, quinones are prevalent throughout biology,… Read More »Quinone Interference

Carnitine – an indispensable molecule

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Carnitine is what transports fatty acids into the mitochondria of your cells, where these are oxidized into molecules of ATP, that provide energy for your body.

Keto Chemistry

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Ketone bodies formation allows for continuous oxidation of fatty acids and is a healthy energy production adaptation

ATP: Silence please

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A molecule of glucose can yield up to 36 molecules of ATP, whereas fatty acids can yield 3 or even 4 times as much.