“Hey Pinky! Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“Hmmm.. ma gandeam ca am putea crea un SMOOTHIE care sa ma ajute sa fiu la fel de destept ca tine!”

Supermeal for your brain

427 calories that help you think better!
A super boosting combination of beets, ginger, peppermint and parsley…
… and natural nootropics that improve brain function: Gotu Kola, Dopa Mucuna, Guarana, Ginkgo Biloba and Brahmi.
Blended with half a coffee shot on top of our avocado-coconut-hemp base.
Enhance your mind
But don’t forget to boost your body as well. Keep everything in a NutriFix-ed balance!
#Nootropic #MindBooster #CognitivePerformance #HealthyNeurons #Stimulent #Guarana #GotuKola #GinkgoBiloba #Brahmi #DopaMucuna #Dopamine & #Serotonine #NutriFix #FixingNutrition #HealthAndLongevity