– cardiovascular support, courtesy of beets’ nitric oxide promoting properties
– rocket fuel for the microbiome, courtesy of apple cider vinegar
– unparalleled unsaturated fats profile, courtesy of toasted hazelnuts and avocado
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Cardiovascular friendly meal – chokfull of MCTs, Palmitic, Palmitoleic and Oleic Acids, ETE, Retinol and Selenium. Low carb
Ingredients: beet, goat cheese, arugula, avocado, hazelnut, salt, olive oil and apple cider vinegar
18,00 €
Out of stock
#1 due to Nitric Oxide in beets
#2 from avocado & hazelnut
#3 due to vitamin-K-rich arugula
– cardiovascular support, courtesy of beets’ nitric oxide promoting properties
– rocket fuel for the microbiome, courtesy of apple cider vinegar
– unparalleled unsaturated fats profile, courtesy of toasted hazelnuts and avocado
– cardiovascular support, courtesy of beets’ nitric oxide promoting properties
– rocket fuel for the microbiome, courtesy of apple cider vinegar
– unparalleled unsaturated fats profile, courtesy of toasted hazelnuts and avocado
Size | 366gr |
Ioana –
Am avut mereu o problema cu mancarea pentru ca nu gaseam multe feluri de mancare satioase, si care sa nu ingrase, insa pot spune ca salata asta este exact ce-mi trebuie. Blood bath imi da si energie, si imi tine de foame pana seara, ba mai mult, am inceput sa sar si peste masa de seara.