Spicy Korea

A Kimchi Delicacy – chokfull of EAAs, Gadoleic, Erucic & Arachidonic Acids, EPA, DPA, DHA, vit. A, vit. D, vits B2, B6 and B12, Choline and Iodine. Top Omega 6:Omega 3 ratio

Ingredients: boiled egg, yam, homemade kimchi, overnight-soaked adzuki beans, marinated herring, black & white sesame, coconut oil, sesame oil, organic tamari soy sauce and salt


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  • Boosts microbiome

    #1 via probiotics in kimchi

  • Helps metabolism

    #2 due to grounded cayenne pepper

  • Low on anti-nutrients

    #3 because of ancestral preparation method

Kimchi is our ingredient superstar in this dish. It is flanked by simple, but carefully selected and prepared, adzuki beans and baked yam or sweet potato.  Marinated herring and a boiled egg balance the protein ratio of this exotic dish. Our combo’s top benefits are:

– rocket fuel for the microbiome, courtesy of kimchi and marinated herring

– increased nutrient absorption, courtesy of adzuki beans’ proper preparation method

– optimal fatty acid ratios and fat soluble vitamins levels

Spicy Korea

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Kimchi is our ingredient superstar in this dish. It is flanked by simple, but carefully selected and prepared, adzuki beans and baked yam or sweet potato.  Marinated herring and a boiled egg balance the protein ratio of this exotic dish. Our combo’s top benefits are:

– rocket fuel for the microbiome, courtesy of kimchi and marinated herring

– increased nutrient absorption, courtesy of adzuki beans’ proper preparation method

– optimal fatty acid ratios and fat soluble vitamins levels




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